Monday, November 12, 2012

Harvest Time

Well folks, harvest is complete for Bugg Farms! Dan had a great run! The beans actually turned out much better than we thought.  Thankfully, the combine was put to good use and held up great! 

Of course, Dan couldn’t get all of his beans out without my dad being a part of it! Bummed that the last trip down bean harvest was delayed due to rain, Dad took a rain check for the next go around with the combine. Its funny how excited Dad gets when it comes down to being on the farm and running equipment. Boys and their toys!

While the men harvested the beans, mom and I had a rather large agenda ourselves!

The farrier gave me the green light to turn Miss Annie out again and even ride!! I don’t know who was more excited…Annie for getting out of her stall after a month of being couped up in a dark dungeon or me being able to turn her out and in turn having less poo to clean out of her stall! Either way, this meant some major cleaning to “Annie Proof” the pasture.

After 4 ½ hours of pulling weed stubs and cleaning up the brush, we now have a pasture that is “Lexington Horse Farm” worthy and hopefully Annie proof! I told mom that while pulling the roots I believe I pulled my glute! Oh what I do for my horses!

To top this already great weekend, Dan shot a 10 point buck! He was pretty darn excited to get this big ol’ guy! I don't know if  he is more excited to have shot a nice buck or to not have to sit in the cold while waiting on a deer!

Oh, and for the record…the clogged sink was NOT from my lemon escapade! In fact, a lemon is a great way to freshen the garbage disposal. The real issue is the fact that we have a grease trap outside that has had 50 years of grease from a true Southern woman’s cooking. Thankfully, we know a good plumber who got us set up with much cleaner pipes.

Oh the joys of being a farmer’s wife!

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