Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why hello stranger!

Hey there! I  know, I know....I am slacking on my blogging duties! I was doing pretty good there for a while with posting new stories on a semi-regular basis but things have been just a tad interesting around here. I really thought that the winter time would keep me locked up inside with the creative juices a flowin but I was mistaken! Although I've been stuck inside more than normal, I have found myself occupying my time with other things so forgive me if you thought I fell off the side of the Earth! 

Life really has been rather quiet here in the valley. With Dan's "busy season" just around the corner I feel like I need to be spending as much time with him as I can which means putting the blogging thing on the back burner just for a bit.

Actually, our nights have been kind of funny lately. The past couple of weeks Dan and I have created a routine. After dinner, Dan and Gunner go sit in the chair by the fire place and do a little channel surfing while looking at farm equipment on the phone. As Dan does his thing, I sprawl out on the couch with the Kindle and a glass of wine in hand.
Is it sad that at the age of 22 I am trying to teach myself how to relax at night instead of checking things off my to-do list? As 9:00 rolls around I find random things to do around the house instead of winding down for the night. There is no denying the fact that I am my father's daughter! I am now left with rethinking my nightly activities since Dan informed me that he watches me circle the house 4-5 times on a daily basis in efforts of cleaning. Thankfully, I am learning this thing people call "relaxing" pretty well. I'm not sure if it's the reading, the sitting or the wine that is relaxing but all I have to say is that I am thrilled that the county finally went wet. This "relaxing" thing sure is causing my wine stash to decrease at a much quicker rate than before!  

Although its been quiet around here, a few home improvements have taken place. First and foremost, we finally broke down and bought a new refrigerator!! I never understood why people got so excited over buying new home appliances but I think I finally get it. I think I have finally hit the "adult" stage of my  life! I could have shelves that didn't lean to one side, door shelves that didn't fall when you opened the door, produce bins that pulled out, and an ice maker that actually worked. We are now proud owners of this glorious piece of appliance that I love so dearly! Life in the kitchen will never be the same!

Most adults can appreciate the replacement of any home appliance but we replaced something that I'm not sure many would get too excited over...the toilet seat! Maybe I am just weird but I have never been so excited over a $20.00 home improvement piece. As Dan and I stood in front of the toilet seat section in Wal-Mart I thought to myself, why haven't we done this months ago? There are seats that are super heavy-duty wood, the plastic that won't slam shut, the ones with many choices!

While winter is a great time to complete some home improvement projects, I believe if Spring wanted to come a little early I wouldn't be disappointed! I am ready to get outside and get some more photography practice under my belt. Cold weather couldn't keep me inside when it came to taking some engagement pictures of my best friend Emily and her new fiance. With a temperature of 33 degrees, taking pictures became a difficult task when my fingers became so cold that I couldn't change the settings or press the button to take the shot. Emily was such a trooper though. She toughed it out in a sleeveless shirt and coat less while I wore three layers and a coat! I am super happy with how they turned out. Now I just need to find a workshop or class to take!

Hopefully the next time we meet it wont be a month down the road but I can't make any promises!

Oh the joys of being a farmer's wife...with tax season right around the corner!

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