Thursday, April 18, 2013

Is it tax time already?

What comes to mind when you think of the month of April? April showers bring May flowers? Or the dreaded….April 15th? According to the IRS, between 20-25 percent of American taxpayers wait until two weeks before the tax deadline to prepare their taxes. That is a large group of procrastinators! Sadly, after dealing with farm taxes this year I can see why people wait to the last minute. They dread that feeling of anger and resentment as they drop their hard-earned money right in to the drop box at the post office. If I could, I would have opened that door and stuck my arm in there in and took what I worked so hard for instead of giving the majority of it to people that are too lazy to work for it.

I am beginning to feel like my grandpa at Christmas dinner when someone brings up politics. When Dan came into the family I instructed him to NEVER EVER bring up politics at the dinner table with my grandpa. He may be the most conservative-minded man I know and gets rather riled when politics become the topic of discussion. I typically don’t get into politics and I frankly don’t have an interest in it. When taxes are mentioned, out comes the Mr. Denzil Ray in me! I understand why we have taxes…when they are used properly. I know that taxes are what makes America the Land of the Free. What I don’t like is when I work my rear end off every day so that those that are too lazy but able to work, don’t. I guess that is something I will never understand. So as I drop my hard-earned money into the mail box, I pray that my money is used to help out those truly in need.

No worries, I stepped off my soap box. I can say that April is actually one of my favorite months. I love being able to get out and spruce up the yard and plant flowers. I’m not much on picking weeds but planting seeds makes up for it. I’m not so sure if I like buying the flower seed packs because they are fun to plant or if it’s because I can buy a lot of seeds for what one pack of flowers cost at Lowe’s. Either way I enjoy the little pack of seed s that you plant and wait 60-90 days for them to showcase themselves. This year will be far more interesting that last year seeing as I planted on one of the windiest days of the year. I know it wasn’t the wisest decision but I was too excited to be patient. I may have a yard of random flowers scattered about instead of neatly lined in my flower beds. I guess that’s what happens when opened seed packs go flying with the wind!

Thankfully, I had a little assistance this past weekend from my parents. As soon as I knew they were making a trip in I made a rather large to-do list for my Dad. He loves to work outside so I put him to work! We had a full weekend of home-improvement projects both inside and out. I don’t know if he realized what he was getting himself into. While Dad had a hay day with trimming the shrubs, I used Mom’s planting abilities to finish planting the shrubs I bought. Now if I could just inherit her green thumb!

With the majority of yard work done for now, it is time for some play. As things begin to green up I actually have the desire to get out and get some photography practice in. Dan’s cousin’s wife, Beth, is a hobbyist photographer like myself. Although she is a great photographer, taking family pictures (with her in it) is a difficult task when it requires setting a timer on the camera and running into place. We spent a gorgeous afternoon getting some practice!