Well folks, January 2013 is here! It blows my mind how quickly a years’ time flies by and I haven't even hit the 30 year old mark! Kinda scary if you ask me. Due my inability to juggle a career, time with the hubby, Christmas shopping/baking/crafting, animals, etc., this blog may be rather lengthy in order to catch ya'll up to speed since Thanksgiving. Go grab a couple of those Christmas cookies that are still staring at you through the container in the corner and a tall glass of hot cocoa 'cause this may be a long night.
And the animals take over... |
With the Christmas season in full swing, it was time to hit the mall and work on crossing off my Christmas gift list. Sometimes I feel as if my craftiness is a bad thing. I absolutely love making gifts for people which typically bites me in the butt. Some may think that crafting is the easy and cheap way out of gifts but let me be the first one to tell you that those people are wrong! The problem with making gifts is that it usually is pricey and extremely time consuming. I know it would be easier to just buy gifts but come on, what’s the fun in that??
So as December came in with a bang, my spare bedroom was hit by the crafting tornado!
One Wreath |
Two Wreaths |
As the cold weather began to take residence, Dan decided that it might be a good time to sell the herd of cattle behind our house. This particular herd was just down right crazy. No exaggeration! This herd contained the cows that couldn't understand that a fence served a purpose. This is the same herd that we had issues with all Spring…you know, the ones that got out every other day and led us on wild cow chases. We typically don't sell the mamma cows but it was time to sell before someone got hurt. Lets face it, cows aren't the brightest animal that God put on this earth! After several attempts at rounding the herd into the pen, Dan realized that it was time to call in the professionals. A man brought his horse and a pack of dogs to show these cows/calves who was boss. For those that are interested, Black Mouth Curs are extreme cattle dogs. They would run in opposite directions forming a circle around the cows. If a cow was daring enough to run away, the dog would attach itself to the ear, nose, or neck of the cow without letting go! My horses were watching the chaos from across the road and seemed a tad concerned with their own safety!

December seemed to pass on without a second thought of slowing down. The majority of the month was spent baking and preparing for Christmas. Luckily, I was able to sneak in a little fun…photography! I had a friend that was interested in getting a few shots of her baby as well as a friend that wanted some pictures for Christmas cards. I have a lot of learning yet to do but I am enjoying this photography thing! Next stop, photography classes!

With Christmas a week away, things became a little hectic! It just so happens that Dan’s birthday falls two days before Christmas! While trying to juggle the baking, wrapping, and finishing the gift list, we took a day to celebrate Dan’s big day! When asked where he wanted to eat, Dan’s only answer was somewhere he could get a steak! Go Figure!
Gunner was Dan’s early birthday present that he got back in November and lets just say our life hasn't been the same! Gunner is continually growing a personality. He is probably the sweetest and most affectionate dog I have seen. I believe his favorite place is sitting right in your lap. This may become an issue when he weighs 60lbs. I fear I am the one to blame for that one! So as the cold month of December continued, you could find Dan and the big boy Gunner napping on the couch! Yea…some farm dog ;) We now have enough treats and toys to last us until next Christmas thanks to the parents and grandparents buying gifts for Gunner! If this is how it is with a puppy I can’t even fathom what it would be like with an actual human child!

I have to say that I ended 2012 right! The last weekend in December was spent celebrating a friends last night out as a single woman! Although Nashville is less than 2 hours away, this was my first night on the town. We spent the day at a nail salon getting manis and pedis. For the records, I've been to a nail salon before but this one was an experience in itself. I stuck with just a mani due to the fact that I have extremely ticklish feet. I sat down at a table where my Vietnamese nail lady wore a black tank top, a black studded belt, and a sweat band on her wrist that said “Beast Mode”. Hmm…it is 30 degrees out and you are wearing a tank top and sweat band around wrist. Interesting! So as I sat there wondering what I could possibly talk about with this "beast" of a woman, she broke the ice by asking me here I was from. I quickly informed her that I was from Western Kentucky and here for a bachelorette party. She was sitting there working extensively on my poorly manicured hands as I apologized for my unkept nails. I attempted to explain to her that I lived on a farm so keeping nice nails was a difficult task. While picking up my bottle of a pale, copper fingernail polish she quickly stated, “Simple farm girl.” It was right then that I realized that my lifestyle must be plastered right across my forehead. Yes, I am a farm girl that likes to dress in jeans, plain tops, and boots but is it that noticeable to other people? A Vietnamese woman quickly stereotyped me. Farm Girl meets The City….I feel like this could be the basis for a very interesting movie. I now know that the city is NOT for me!
As we ring in the new year, I can sit back and reminisce what all took place within a years time! I believe the top 12 of 2012 include:
1) Closer walk with God-
I grew up in a Church. I was blessed with a religious family. I know that God is my Lord and Savior but this past year has led me down the road where I walked a little a closer to God. I have a greater understanding of what it is like to have God as your primary focus in life. Its amazing what God does when you put him first.
2) Celebrating our first anniversary-
I have been blessed beyond belief with my husband. This was by far a “God thing”. I can’t imagine my life without Dan. He can make me smile when I am in “one of those moods”, encourages me when I am down, shows me on a daily basis that some things just aren't that important, allows me to see that sometimes you need to be a true Kentuckian and just slow down, and he shows me that sometimes it is just easier to do something even though if it was your choice, it would be the last thing you would do. Words cannot describe our first year of marriage. Its one of those things where you can’t imagine it getting any better... and then It does!
3) Family-
Family time is one of those things I hold close to my heart. The one thing better than having a family that you love dearly is having two! I am so blessed with my family as well as Dan’s family. Whats great is having both families (including extended family) come together and you feel like everyone has known each other for years. Although I live three hours from my family, I make it a point to remain close with everyone and do my best to put family first because what would life be like without family?
4) Big Girl Job-
My degree was in Agricultural Business but my career is in Construction Management…interesting! I have been blessed with a great company to work for with a bonus of only being 10minutes away from home!
5) Dan finishing college-
Dan has officially completed his college career! After moving home in December of last year, Dan was a few classes shy of holding his degree. Dan has completed his degree requirements and go do what he does best…FARM!!
6) Family Vacation-
I was lucky enough to spend a week in Florida with my mom’s side of the family this year. Although we had some interesting things to deal with while there, I wouldn't trade the time spent with the family for anything!
7) First year of farming-
Dan had his first year of full-time farming. 2012 was a tough year for Dan to start out due to the major drought but thankfully, the Good Lord provided and Dan had an impressive year considering the circumstances. We were fortunate enough to be able to purchase a combine as well as a semi truck and a few other important pieces for the farm. We thank God for allowing Dan's first year to be manageable and pray for good crops this next year.
8) Brother gets married-
My brother finally bites the bullet and says "I Do" to his best friend. Time sure flies by! Seems like just yesterday we were racing our hermit crabs in the sandbox. Here we are both married and starting the next chapter of our lives.
9) Friends-
Living in a small town most definitely has its perks but the lack of people our age can be a bummer. Thankfully, Dan and I have established friendships with several married couples our age. It really helps having people to call when you want to go out even if it is just up to Coon Dog. Small Town, USA is a wonderful place but without friends, I believe I would get a tad lonely!
10) Photography-
Buying a DSLR camera might possibly be one of the best purchases I have made. I still have a LOT to learn but there is something so amazing about capturing peoples emotions and actions that allow them to reminisce and create wonderful memories.
11) Engagements-
2012 has been a year of engagements! One of my best friends who just so happened to be my maid of honor is newly engaged and planning a wedding in June! Another friend of mine is engaged and wedding is scheduled in just a few weeks. I am so excited for them to experience the pure bliss of marriage!
We lost a great dog a few months ago and he will certainly not be forgotten. Although Pete's loss was difficult, God placed one amazing puppy into our lives. Gunner has quickly stolen our hearts and is a great addition to our family!
So as we bid 2012 farewell and welcome 2013, I will leave you with some food for thought. I read this poem a while ago and feel like this is a good wish for 2013.
"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that smalles joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough "Hello's" to get you through the final "Good-bye.."
To all of my friends and family, I wish you enough!
The joys of being a farmer's wife!