Memorial day has made its debut once again. Barbecuing seems to be the most popular way to celebrate the holiday these days and Dan can now grill with the best of them. He decided he wanted a grill for graduation...not a small Weber grill or even a propane grill, but the Hulk of all grills. This one-of-a-kind grill is a smoker, a charcoal AND a propane grill all in one! A 3 in 1 deal..I like the sounds of that.

With Memorial Day quickly approaching he decided it was time to put this bad boy together. Our first meal off the grill did not include the speciality "Bugg Beef",but the yummy and delicious lil Franks. Thank goodness we have 7 foot of cooking space on this sucker! Hey even Pete was able to taste the grill's cooking ability. If Tim the Toolman Taylor was here, I believe he would give this grill his famous grunt!

As Memorial Day marks the end of May, I am finally able to see what my random flower seeds that I planted in the Spring have produced. You see April showers were not plentiful this year so I was unsure of what type of "May Flowers" I would be left with. To my surprise, I have several plants in bloom. As an amature gardener, I am unaware of what flowers are what, how much sunlight they need, or what kind of flowers they will grow. There is something about planting a small seed into the ground, watering it daily and watching it grow into something amazing! So, does this resemble parenting?!?!?
No, I am not discussing the idea of children just yet although the other day I had a very interesting experience. I was in the grocery store loading up my buggy (that's another story for another day), I payed for my groceries and went on home. As I was putting the groceries away I pulled out a container of Gerber's baby formula. Now I
know I did not put that in my buggy! I suppose it came from the couple who was in line ahead of me. Or, is this a sign from God....either way I got a good chuckle out of it. I know I should have taken the container back to the store but driving 10 minutes back into town did not sound appealing to me. We now have a container of baby formula sitting in a cabinet for future use. Much in the future! I sure hope this doesn't qualify as stealing..if so....God planted the container in my buggy!